What is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)?

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy is a non-surgical procedure that treats chronic pain from tendon injuries or osteoarthritis. Using platelets from a patient’s own blood, it’s been successful in relieving pain and accelerating the healing process in damaged tendons and cartilage.

The advantage of Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy is that it’s done in an exam room and takes less than an hour. The patient’s blood is drawn and placed in a centrifuge for 15 minutes to separate out the platelets. As the plasma is being prepared, the APG clinician will use diagnostic ultrasound to identify the injured tissue. The platelet-rich plasma is then injected into the damaged portion of the tendon or cartilage under further the guidance of ultrasound.


But what exactly is it?

PRP is a highly concentrated part of your own blood. PRP contains growth factors that prompt your body to heal damaged tendons, ligaments, muscles, and other tissues. Although you already have PRP in your blood, it's quite diluted and is spread throughout your body.

By isolating and concentrating the PRP and injecting it into a specific area, your body gets a strong dose of regenerative platelets that it would never otherwise get. Your APG physician can recommend PRP therapy if you've got an acute injury, a chronic injury, or if you're an athlete who needs to get back to peak form as quickly as possible.

PRP is a safe and effective way to reduce your pain and speed up your healing without surgery.

How does the PRP process work?

Your APG doctor takes a small sample of blood from your arm. This is just like any blood draw you've done before: quick, easy, and virtually painless. Next, your doctor puts the blood sample into a centrifuge. The centrifuge spins your blood at very high speed, separating its various parts.

Your doctor extracts the pure PRP from your blood, discards the red blood cells, and then injects the PRP into the area where you're injured or have pain. Your physician typically uses image guidance such as ultrasound or X-ray to precisely inject your PRP.

Can I have an allergic reaction to PRP?

No, you don't need to worry about allergic or other adverse reactions because the PRP comes from your own body. It's safe and completely nonsurgical.

Your APG doctor always uses fresh needles for the blood draw and PRP injections to remove any risk of infections.

What can I expect after PRP therapy?

After PRP therapy, most patients notice improved mobility and reduced pain within 4-6 weeks. The benefits of PRP therapy can last for as much as a year.

Use the contact form below or call us today to schedule your PRP therapy consultation, 888-363-8333..